
We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

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We have now received confirmation from Apple that the updated version is live. Please visit the Apple App Store and download version 2.9.17 to resolve the freezing issue. Once again, we apologise for the inconvenience this has caused today.

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Our development team have now identified and fixed the issue and uploaded a new version to the App Store (2.9.17). Unfortunately, Apple can take up to 24 hours for this version to be available for download and we will update you again once we have received confirmation is is available.

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We have identified an issue affecting the latest version (2.9.16) of the ExpenseIn iOS mobile app that is causing the app to freeze when being opened. We are working urgently to fix this and hope to have an update very soon.

We apologise for any inconvenience this is causing.

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Mobile App